Tuesday, 22 February 2011

The Cobbler and the Thief (the one that stole 1hr and a half!)

Utterly depressing. A complete mess, but a mess that would've mde a wonderful film had it been released on time. such a shame.
This review sums it up better than i can 


Now i know Miyazaki has made some truly great works, but this one i felt was lacking a little. Though can fully see the
inspiration that was taken from it for Final Fantasy - there are so many aspects and characters nicked.
I just felt it could have been grander and the main characters evolve a little more. Static Fantasy :(

Grit Ftw

Wow. Ace. Coen bro's. Wonderful. Well done.
As the name susgests, it's gritty. It's lovingly paced and sucks out the action slowly and carefully.
A real western treat.

Definitely Tangled...

Oh Disney..trying hard now are we? Not as dissapointing as i set it up to be, though the unbelieveable characters
still f£$%$ing sing. An average plot, with some gorgeous visuals, mired with good 'ol Disney flourish riding on the
back of shrek's topsy-turvy fairy tales. watchable, barely, though better watched with something physical to do. (hoovering anyone?)

Black Swan

This was gruesomely fantastic. A real thriller (finally!!). Excellent pacing, wonderful cast and so much fun to get
caught up in. I even think there are some 'easter eggs' in there, warranting an extra viewing.


Despite the rubbish trailer, this was better than i expected. A fairly fun romp of action with tired dialogue though
interesting visuals. The designs of the gear and the lighting were probably the better aspects of this film.