Thursday, 13 January 2011

Tron Legacy 3D

Ok, so my other reviews have been rocky towards 3D, even avatar managed to irritate me in 3D. But Tron really did add to the overall experience with the 'slight' 3D effects. And i mean slight in terms of not trying to push effects out of the screen too much, and that a good 30% (and possibly more) have no 3D elements in them at all (was sneaky and took the glasses off a few times).
The plot was fairly basic, but in my opinion, needed to be. It was still quite a classic storyline, and managed to deliver it well. The action was excellently paced, with some nice action scenes that were kept low key enough not to overdose on action.
As soon as watching it, and possibly due to having a bee before, thought instantly of comparing it to Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark, or Star Wars A New Hope, as it had this great sense of sci-fi opera, and was a joy to sit and fest in this thorough and strong world.
As much i've read and heard that the film was rubbish/thin/too effect heavy, i thought it worth watching. And was glad i did. More than buyable :)

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