Monday, 8 November 2010

Imogen Heap

Got dragged to a concert (my first actually) in the Albert Hall. Wonderful place, very atmospheric, and some really funky sci fi acoustic orbs in the ceiling.

I'm mentioning this because it's similar to the 'animation and sound'  project. She started the show by orchestrating a full orchestra to short clips (apparently sent in by fans) of nature. The music matched up quite well, and the cuts from shot to shot were made noticeable. This got me thinking in two ways: 1 was the different types of music change based on the picture, some wouldn't be heavily noticeable, just slight change of tempo/instruments. 2, how informed the pictures became with the music (after watching for a while with my fingers in my ears to test - not a sight people are used to in a concert :/ ).

Definitely something to think about for the sound project.

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