Tuesday, 30 November 2010


I'd read on AWN that Skyline was specifically well done, considering a paltry 100million$ budget.
There were apparently 3 guys that lit all of the sequences.
Shame the movie was a bit rubbish. It might be an american thing, as the characters you're forced to follow were shallow, self loving and not empathetic with each other, or the 'end of the world'.

Effects: This was more the point of watching the film, as the story became dry and stale. They were quite epic, and detailed with some lovely special effect (smoke, heat blur etc), but i felt a few of the ambitious shots were below par. Perhaps this was because i'd seen how these shots had been put together, and that two animators quit at the prospect of these shots.
The design, however, was really fresh. Really enjoyed some of the monster and ship designs.
Especially the 'monster' at the end..no spoilers though :D

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