Friday, 5 November 2010

Stuff I Should've Added Earlier..

Went to see 'Dispicable Me' a few days ago. A friend was talking it up after seeing the trailer, and it was definately worth it. Though a little childish in content, and quite difficult to empathise with the main character. He had this 'foreign' accent, which fit the 'bad-guy persona well. Though i'm not sure about it connecting with many people at the start. It's only near, or at, the end do you really understand the character. In contrast Wall-E was superb. You empathise with him in the first 10 minutes, even with no dialogue. (i'll probably compare lots of things to was really that influential for me).

I'm getting wryly annoyed with the book im reading and may either try blitzing through it, or grab another. Charity shop? Would like to get back into fantasy, rather than this middle-eastern thriller romp. It's getting tiresome, and not stretching me much.

I had a quick read of the 'force' book yesterday. Reminded me quite a bit of the 'Ways of Seeing' book, i'd read a few years ago (minus the female history tangent). I'm thinking it's going to be one to read the morning, or night even, before life drawing. Just to chip away at it, and try something new for that day.
Though I'm a little upset at the prospect of not getting life drawing next year. That's something I'm going to miss..will have to make the most out of it this year!

I had a spate of reading 'thebloggess' blog recently, just to get an idea of how to construct something. Seems anything goes from that one. Almost like a running conversation. This is probably a warning to whoever is reading this then...there'll be a lot of chaff to find the good stuff :D

Missed the Aardman presentation at the apple store yesterday. Really should've gone, but needed to get that essay out of the way.

Watched RED a few days ago too. That was more of a guilty pleasure movie though. Nothing too influential to animation, other than story and pacing.

Have made a little headway into modelling and rigging, though have no animation to show for it yet. Focused on all of the things around animation, so that when i got to Rave my head was less cluttered with technical issues. Hopefully this should mean i can focus wholly (is that how you spell it?) on animation, and not worry about my modelling and rendering. -->

I've started sketching in my little passport booklet. though will probably start dating them and scanning/photo them at a later stage when i can stitch them together, like the life drawings.

ok, I think that's enough for now.

Here's the back button --> bAcK

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